Tokyo: Discover Japan Through Sake Tasting Workshop Details and Availability

Tokyo: Discover Japan Through Sake Tasting

Set out on a captivating journey through the cultural heart of Tokyo as we invite you to discover Japan through the art of sake tasting.

Led by a certified expert, this immersive workshop offers a unique opportunity to explore the origins, production process, and drinking etiquette of sake.

With a carefully curated selection of five distinct varieties to sample and evaluate, you will deepen their understanding and appreciation for this age-old Japanese beverage.

Engage in lively discussions and share your impressions in this intimate setting, promising a fascinating exploration of Japanese culture.

Good To Know

Tokyo: Discover Japan Through Sake Tasting - Good To Know

  • The workshop offers a presentation on sake by a certified expert, providing knowledge on the origins, types, production process, and drinking etiquette of sake.
  • Participants will have the opportunity to taste and evaluate five unique types of sake, allowing them to deepen their understanding of the beverage.
  • The workshop is conducted in English and is limited to a maximum of 2 participants, ensuring a personalized and intimate experience.
  • The venue operates as a sake shop and also holds coffee roasting workshops, offering a unique and immersive setting for the tasting workshop.

Workshop Details and Availability

Tokyo: Discover Japan Through Sake Tasting - Workshop Details and Availability

The workshop on sake tasting in Tokyo is available for a maximum of 5 participants. It is conducted on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00-15:00 and on Fridays from 10:00-14:00.

This immersive experience offers a unique opportunity to explore the world of sake appreciation and explore its cultural significance. Led by a certified sake expert, you will engage in a one-hour presentation that covers the origins, types, production process, and drinking etiquette of sake.

The workshop also includes a tasting session where you will have the chance to evaluate five distinct types of sake. This allows them to deepen their understanding and discover new ways to enjoy this traditional Japanese beverage.

With limited availability, this workshop promises an engaging, informative, and adventurous experience for all sake enthusiasts.

Experience the World of Sake

Tokyo: Discover Japan Through Sake Tasting - Experience the World of Sake

Set out on a journey through the captivating world of sake tasting in Tokyo. Experience the rich tradition and cultural significance of sake appreciation, while enjoying the fascinating realm of Japanese drinking culture.

During the workshop, a certified expert will guide you through a presentation on sake, covering its origins, types, production process, and drinking etiquette.

You will have the opportunity to taste and evaluate five unique types of sake, allowing you to deepen your understanding and broaden your palate. The workshop encourages participants to share their impressions and engage in discussions about sake, fostering a sense of camaraderie and appreciation for this beloved Japanese beverage.

Sake Tasting: Exploring Different Types

Tokyo: Discover Japan Through Sake Tasting - Sake Tasting: Exploring Different Types

During the sake tasting workshop in Tokyo, you will have the opportunity to explore and appreciate the diverse range of sake types available. They will learn about the different sake tasting techniques, enabling them to fully experience the flavors and aromas of each sake.

The workshop will also explore the art of pairing sake with different foods, enhancing the overall tasting experience. Participants will discover how certain sakes complement specific dishes, creating harmonious flavor combinations.

From light and crisp sakes to rich and robust ones, the workshop will showcase the various styles and characteristics of sake. By exploring the different types of sake, you will gain a deeper understanding of Japan’s traditional beverage and develop a newfound appreciation for its complexity and craftsmanship.

Deepen Your Understanding of Sake

Tokyo: Discover Japan Through Sake Tasting - Deepen Your Understanding of Sake

To enhance your knowledge of sake, delve deeper into the intricacies of its production process, flavor profiles, and cultural significance.

Understanding the sake production process is essential to appreciating this traditional Japanese beverage. Sake is made from rice that has been polished to remove the outer layers, leaving behind the starchy core. The rice is then fermented with water and koji (a type of mold) to convert the starches into sugar, which is then transformed into alcohol by yeast. This fermentation process gives sake its unique flavors and aromas.

Along With understanding the production process, it is also important to familiarize yourself with sake drinking etiquette. Sake is often served in small cups called ochoko, and it is customary to pour for others before pouring for yourself. When receiving a pour, it is polite to hold the cup with both hands as a sign of respect. Sake is best enjoyed at a moderate temperature, as extreme heat or cold can mask its subtle flavors.

Fee and Schedule Information

To determine the cost and availability of the sake tasting workshop in Tokyo, participants can refer to the fee and schedule information provided. The workshop fee is 25,000 yen for one participant and 25,000 yen for a group of two participants, making it 12,500 yen per person. The workshop duration is one hour and is conducted on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00-15:00, and Fridays from 10:00-14:00. The maximum capacity is five participants, with the possibility of other customers joining. To book the workshop, participants can reserve now and pay later to keep their travel plans flexible. Payment options for the workshop are available at the venue. With limited spots available, participants are encouraged to check availability to see the starting times and secure their spots in advance.

Fee Schedule
1 participant Wednesdays, Thursdays: 10:00-15:00
2 participants Fridays: 10:00-14:00

Meet the Certified Sake Expert

Tokyo: Discover Japan Through Sake Tasting - Meet the Certified Sake Expert

Continuing from the previous points on fee and schedule information, participants can now get acquainted with the certified sake expert who will guide them through the sake tasting workshop in Tokyo.

This expert is not only a certified sake sommelier, but also holds qualifications as a sake quality appraiser and a professor of Ikebana, Ikenobo School.

With their extensive knowledge and expertise, participants can expect to gain a deep understanding of sake, from its origins and types to the intricate sake brewing process.

The expert will also provide insights into sake etiquette, teaching participants how to properly appreciate and enjoy this traditional Japanese beverage.

Through their guidance, you will not only taste and evaluate five unique types of sake, but also have the opportunity to share their impressions and engage in discussions about sake, further enhancing their experience.

Venue Features and Workshop Overview

Tokyo: Discover Japan Through Sake Tasting - Venue Features and Workshop Overview

The workshop takes place in a sake shop that also hosts coffee roasting workshops on the same floor. This unique venue offers participants the opportunity to enjoy the world of sake while also experiencing the art of coffee roasting.

As you enter the workshop, you are greeted with the enticing aromas of freshly brewed coffee and the rich scent of sake. The workshop begins with a presentation on the sake brewing process, where a certified expert guides you through the origins, types, production process, and drinking etiquette of sake.

You will then have the chance to put your newfound knowledge to the test as you learn sake tasting techniques and evaluate five unique types of sake.

The workshop concludes with a Q&A session and discussion, where you can share your impressions and favorite sake with fellow participants.

This venue truly offers a one-of-a-kind experience that combines the best of both worlds – sake and coffee.

Common questions

Are There Any Age Restrictions for Participating in the Sake Tasting Workshop?

Age restrictions may apply for participating in the sake tasting workshop. It is important to review the workshop rules to determine if there are any specific age requirements in place for this activity.

Can I Bring My Own Sake to the Workshop?

BYOB sake is not permitted at the workshop, as the venue provides a selection of unique types of sake for participants to taste. However, alternative beverages may be available upon request.

Is There a Dress Code for the Workshop?

There is no specific dress code mentioned for the workshop. However, it is recommended to dress comfortably and appropriately for the activity. There are no age restrictions mentioned for participation in the workshop.

Can I Purchase Sake From the Venue After the Workshop?

Yes, you can purchase sake from the venue after the workshop. The venue offers a wide selection of sake for sale, allowing participants to continue their exploration and enjoyment of this traditional Japanese beverage.

What Is the Cancellation Policy for the Workshop?

The cancellation policy for the workshop includes free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance for a full refund. This allows participants to have flexibility in their travel plans and ensures a stress-free experience.

The Sum Up

To sum it up, the Tokyo sake tasting workshop offers a captivating opportunity to explore the world of sake and explore the rich cultural heritage of Japan. Led by a certified expert, you will have the chance to sample and evaluate five distinct varieties of sake, deepening their understanding and appreciation for this traditional Japanese beverage.

With a maximum capacity of two participants, this intimate setting ensures a personalized and immersive experience. Whether you are a sake connoisseur or simply curious about Japanese culture, this workshop promises a fascinating journey of exploration and enjoyment.